Causes of Plaque on Your Teeth

Dental plaque is that filmy, sticky substance that forms on the surface of your teeth after you eat. It grows when the naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth mix with different sugars and starches from unhealthy foods. If you don’t get rid of plaque right away, it hardens and turns into tartar; this can lead to dangerous ailments such as gum disease and tooth loss. Let’s look closer at the causes of plaque on your teeth.

Causes of Plaque on Your Teeth

Your local dentist in Rockville wants you to know about the major causes of plaque on your teeth and how to maintain a daily hygiene routine that will keep harmful bacteria at bay. By preventing a buildup of plaque and tartar, you can save your mouth – and your wallet – from having to go through primary dental restoration treatments. 

What Makes Plaque Form? 

Your mouth has naturally occurring bacteria that can provide some necessary housekeeping after you eat. But when you eat something that is full of sugar or starch, these ingredients stick around on the surface of your teeth. If bacteria interact with these leftover foods, they will release acid. This combination forms a sticky and filmy substance on top of your teeth – this is called plaque.

How Can I Tell if I Have Plaque? 

The easiest way to tell if you have plaque is to take a moment and consider how your teeth feel. Do your teeth often feel fuzzy when you first wake up in the morning? This might be a sign that there is a buildup of plaque. You may also have bad breath and tender gums that bleed when you brush. 

If you notice that you have some plaque on your teeth, you should brush your teeth immediately. This can help get rid of plaque before it hardens and turns into the more harmful substance known as tartar. If tartar forms on your teeth, you may need to get it removed by a dentist. 

Why Plaque is Harmful

If you fail to remove plaque right away, it could lead to worse problems down the road. In fact, a lack of oral hygiene can lead to gum disease and other irreversible conditions. Some of the biggest complications of plaque include: 

  • Tooth decay
  • Cavities
  • Tooth loss
  • Infection/abscess
  • Gingivitis
  • Gum disease

It is not difficult to diagnose an overabundance of plaque and tartar. Your dentist will use dental tools and x-rays to determine how deeply the plaque has built up on your teeth. 

How to Treat and Prevent Plaque

You can easily remove plaque from your teeth before it turns into tartar. Once tartar is formed, it is much harder to get rid of. Here are some of the best ways to treat plaque and prevent things from getting worse:

  • Brush and floss regularly. You should brush your teeth twice a day and floss once. Make sure to get in between your teeth as plaque can build up there too. 
  • Watch what you eat. You don’t have to go on a diet, but you should be careful not to eat too much sugar or starch daily. 
  • Get fluoride toothpaste. Toothpaste with tartar-controlling fluoride can help stem the tide of plaque buildup. 

Most importantly, visit your local dentist for a professional cleaning! 

Get Rid of Plaque Today!

If you are concerned about the buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth, or you wish to schedule a semi-annual dental cleaning, get in touch with our Rockville dentist today. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene in order to prevent plaque from forming on the surface of your teeth. Get your teeth cleaned and treated before that plaque turns into dangerous tartar. Contact our friendly experts today to learn more! 

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