Importance of an Oral Care Routine

If you are like most people in the United States, you have spent your life being told that it is important to brush your teeth every day. When you visit the dentist as a child, it is one of the things that you are told the most: make sure to practice good dental hygiene! Let’s look at the importance of an oral care routine!

Importance of an Oral Care Routine

But what exactly does that mean as an adult? How can you work on improving your smile and staying healthy while balancing a busy work-life schedule? The importance of an oral care routine cannot be overestimated. Here is what our Shady Grove Dental experts want you to know about maintaining a great daily oral routine every day. 

Getting Back to Basics

Do you remember what the dentists told you when you were a child? It’s important to remember those lessons all throughout your life. Before you can establish any kind of oral health routine, you should go over the basics. And that includes brushing your teeth. 

At Shady Grove Dental, we know that our patients are very invested in their own oral health and usually already follow a good oral health regime. But understanding how and why you should clean your teeth every day can give you better skills to wash out your mouth more thoroughly. 

Since 2% of the population does not brush their teeth, it is still important to review every aspect of daily brushing and flossing to give you the best chances of staying healthy. 

Brushing Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth requires the right kind of toothbrush and the right number of minutes you spent giving your pearly whites a good wash. The right equipment and technique can make all the difference between total prevention and the development of a serious oral health condition. 

Use a fluoride-based toothpaste to best get rid of plaque, bacteria, and tartar. This can also strengthen your enamel to provide more protection to your teeth. Along with the right toothpaste, you should also use a soft-bristled toothbrush that is not too abrasive on the surface of your sensitive teeth. 


Flossing should also be an important part of your daily oral health routine. It is often overlooked, but it is just as important as brushing your teeth. Make sure that you floss thoroughly between all of the gaps. And be gentle as you remove debris and particles from your mouth. Make sure to give your mouth a thorough rinsing when you’re done. 

Establishing a Daily Routine 

Brushing and flossing are the two most important parts of your oral health regime. And it is important to come up with a schedule that works well for you. For most of our Shady Grove patients, that involves brushing once in the morning and once in the evening before bed. They also floss once per day. 

You can decide what time of day works best for you to work on your dental health. But it is important that you do it every day. You might want to get into the habit by brushing your teeth after every meal. Or every time you drink sugary beverages.

Schedule a Regular Dental Visit ASAP 

Another way to stay on top of your daily healthcare routine is to make an appointment with your dentist for a checkup and cleaning. The best type of treatment is prevention, which can protect your teeth against a number of oral health issues. 

At Shady Grove Dental, our experts are determined to bring out your smile and help your teeth get healthy. Are you looking to learn more about the best ways to brush and floss your teeth? Or do you want to schedule a regular checkup? Then give us a call today. We look forward to seeing you smile! 

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